Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The 2025 Planetary Alignment


A planetary alignment will be visible in the night sky on February 28th, 2025. All planets can be seen. Getting a better view of Neptune or Uranus requires a strong telescope. Those who are located in the Northern Hemisphere can see this phenomena around 8:30 pm. The term planetary alignment can be misleading. The planets of the Solar System are not lined up perfectly. This is a depiction that comes from diagrams and various images. The term refers to planets being visible in the night sky simultaneously . The planets still remain far from each other in relation to solar orbits. Earth is situated in a place that allows other planets to be visible. Some in the general public call it a planetary parade. That is not specific to what is going on with the planets. The planets arranged on the same side of the Sun. Planetary alignments are of interest to astronomers for study. Conjunctions are planets between two other celestial bodies. Opposition describes refers to celestial bodies on other sides of Earth. The mechanics of orbits astronomers want to document. Planetary alignments can be frequent. Prior to the upcoming event, another happened in January. More will occur in a few years. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Remembering Peter Higgs (1929-2024)


Peter Higgs was a British physicists that contributed to the understanding of matter. Higgs proposed an existence of a particle that explains why matter has mass. Back when Peter Higgs proposed the existence of the particle in 1964, the evidence was limited. Detecting particles has been a challenge. However, this is circumvented by technology. Theoretical physics required the use of mathematics as a means of  direct detection. The use of the Large Hadron Collider enable physicists  to detect the Higgs boson. The breakthrough came in 2012 confirming that Higgs' 1964 paper was correct. The discovery contributed to the understanding of the Standard Model. Peter Higgs won the Nobel Prize along with Francois Englert in 2013. The detection of the Higgs Boson also adds to figuring out the origins of the universe. The Big Bang remains a mystery and the birth of the universe is a puzzle.  Most of Peter Higgs' professional career was based at Edinburgh University. The hunt for the Higgs boson involved a large amount of scientists at CERN and data. Peter Higgs impact will be felt for years in the field of physics. The Higgs Boson has the nickname " the God particle." The particle is not a deity or an exact explanation of the creation of the universe. It is one segment to a larger picture. More particles could be discovered in the coming decades. This is dependent on the technology of  particle accelerators. The Higgs boson can best described as a force carrying fundamental  particle. The particle is part of the Higgs field, which explains how protons, electrons, and neutrons are granted their mass. The Higgs Boson has a mass of 125 billion electron volts. The unique attribute of the Higgs boson is that it lacks spin. That characteristic is not present in other elementary  particles. Peter Higgs work expanded humanity's understanding of the subatomic world. More will be discovered about the Higgs Boson as technology advances.   

Friday, February 2, 2024

Chemistry : The Periodic Table And Periodicity


The periodic table is a chart designed to classify known elements. The periodic table is a tool of chemistry which contributes to the understanding of matter. Phoenix Learning Group explains the periodic table as a map. The elements can be placed on the periodic table as metals, metalloids, and non-metals. Most of the elements on the table are metals. There are a total of 118 elements listed on the periodic table. The elements are organized by atomic number . The atomic number is the total number of protons in the element. The group represents elements with similar valence electron counts. The columns of the periodic table are the groups. The periods on the chart show elements with the same number of electron shells. The periods are placed in the rows of the chart. To determine the number of neutrons the atomic number must be subtracted from the mass number. Understanding the attributes of elements has enabled chemical engineering. These are the elements known on Earth. There remains a possibility more could exist in the universe. The two mots abundant elements are hydrogen and helium. 

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

The Base of The Human Brain Illustration From De Humani Corporis Fabrica Libri Septum (1543)


Andreas Vesalius wrote De Humani Corporis Fabrica Libri Septum, which revolutionized medicine. The seven volume work was the most detailed text on human anatomy. Vesalius was able to get bodies for dissection and this enabled him to give descriptions of the human body. Many of his discoveries disproved Claudius Galen's medical assertions. Galen's concepts had been dominant since the Roman Empire. Galen did not have the advantage of cadavers for dissection. The impressive element of Vesalius' work is the detailed illustrations of organs and their systems. The image of the human brain is the most incredible. The illustration shows the base of the brain. What can be seen are the cerebellum, olfactory bulbs, and optic nerves. The left and right hemispheres show both fissures and convolutions. The drawing is precise to a contemporary medical text. What was missing from Humani Corpis Fabrica was the depiction of neurons. The reason was a limitation of technology. Andreas Vesalius did not have access to a microscope. Without such tools certain parts of the human body could not be detected. Vesalius did not fully comprehend the brain's physiology. The understanding  of neurotransmitters and electrical impulses through the brain cells would come centuries later. Surgeons and doctors probably had a suspicion that the brain was responsible for the senses. The challenge was proving transduction to be true. The human brain is the most complex organ of the body. It controls movement, consciousness, thought, and involuntary biological function. There is more to uncover about this intricate organ. Vesalius put emphasis on an observational methods. The teaching of medicine and surgery changed to a more empirical approach.  

Friday, August 25, 2023

The Discovery of The Promachocrinus Fragarius


Marine biology discovered a new organism. Antarctica is home to a sea based species known as promachocrinus fragaris. The recent detection reveals there is more work to be done in the fields of zoology and marine biology. The common name for this creature is the Antarctic  strawberry feather star.  Promachocrinus fragaris has what appears to be 20 tentacle like structures. Zoologists sometimes call them arms.  The nubs on its body do resemble fruit in shape. Hence why it was given the name. The morphology of this organism has evolved for ocean floor travel. The body of this organism contains cirri. The cirri are circular like bumps on its body. The structures have small claws which enable promachocrinus fragaris to grip to the seafloor. The sea lifeform falls under the class Crinoidea. Starfish, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, and sand dollars are a part of this class. The unusual aspect of the organisms morphology is the number of appendages. Most feather stars have 10, while  promachocrinus fragaris has 10 more. The reason it took so long to detect this animal was due to location. The promachocrinus fragaris was found 1.7 km (3, 840 ft)  below the surface. According to the Scripps Institution of Oceanography finding new species is common. The challenge is classifying them correctly and giving formal names. The ocean remains a mystery and the nature of the seafloor is more complex than previously thought. Various types of fish, starfish, and completely different organisms could reside on the seafloor. Barriers prevent humankind from fully reaching that area. The possibility does remain that new species are emerging, but have not been discovered. The promachocrinus fragaris is an invertebrate, but little is known about its physiology. Overtime, more information will be collected allowing for a deeper understanding of deep sea lifeforms. 

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Albert Einstein Explains Mass-Energy Equivalence


Mass and energy are the same entity. This is known as mass-energy equivalence. Albert Einstein explains in this video clip the concept. Mass-energy equivalence can best be described as energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. The equation    has become recognizable to the general public. Mathematics is used in theoretical physics to express natural phenomenon. Mass-energy equivalence emerged out of the special theory of relativity. A diminutive amount of mass can be converted into a large amount of energy. Experimental confirmation of this was achieved in 1932. Mass-energy equivalence  was used to develop new technologies. Nuclear power plants. particle accelerators,  and nuclear weapons are the reason the idea connects to applied science. Relativistic mechanics were required to explain the physics of the subatomic world and the universe. Considerations have to be made in terms of frame of reference, relativistic mass, and relativistic energy. Newtonian mechanics was limited by describing physics in terms of the absolute.  

Friday, May 12, 2023

Astronomers Detect One of The Largest Cosmic Explosions


Astronomers have detected one of the largest cosmic explosions. The announcement came from Dr. Phillip Wiseman who led the observations. The observations were conducted by Southampton University. The cause of the explosion is thought to be the result of gas being sucked into a supermassive black hole. Space is a strange and exciting place with new objects to be discovered. The size of the explosion was about 100 times the Solar System. The explosion has been given an official name. Astronomers refer to it as AT2021lwx. The light that comes from the explosion allows astronomers on Earth to detect it. AT2021lwx is still emitting energy. The event could either be the product of a supernova or tidal disruption event. This refers to when a star gets too close to a black hole and gets damaged in the process. Technically, AT2021lwx was detected in 2020 by the Zwicky Transient Facility. However, astronomers needed to collect more data for confirmation. Calculating the brightness required knowing the distance. The distance was determined to be 8 billion light years away. The fact that AT2021lwx is so bright for this long only adds to the mystery. A supernova or tidal disruption event's brightness only lasts a few months. It is unknown when AT202llwx will fade away. Over the next few years astronomers are going to find more cosmic explosions. Examining these occurrences might provide more information on the attributes of black holes.