Thursday, October 26, 2017

The evolving story of human evolution | Melanie Chang | TEDxVictoria

Melanie Chang discusses the history and science of 8 million years of human evolution. Humanity is the last of its species. Humans have only been around 200,000 years. Neanderthals went extinct and homo sapiens were the lone survivors. Paleoanthropology has to be reliant on field work and fossils. It is not possible to revive neanderthals and study them in a natural history context. However, genetics has allowed some breakthroughs. Mitochondrial DNA provides some clues. Scientists in Germany found out that humans contain 1 to 4 % neanderthal DNA. This indicates there was possible cross breeding. Human are still evolving and this has been proven to be fact. evolution will no longer be just a theory, but a fact like the universal law of gravitation. There is resistance to new discoveries with the most religious thinking human evolution is not possible. Doubtless of conviction, facts are true whether you like them or not. The story of human evolution is still being revealed. The puzzle will only be complete when the common genetic ancestor is discovered for all primates.   

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The Technological Apex

Technology has radically changed society. Transportation, communication, and economic services have become more efficient at any point in human history. Science continues to make advances in astronomy, physics, biology, medicine, and computer science. At some stage in evolution of technological advancement there will be an apex. This means that civilization will have reached such a mastery of science and technology that it cannot advance any further. Disease will not be an issue to public health, space travel will be a part of daily life, and quantum computers could be in every household. These notions may seem exaggerated, but what was once science fiction has become reality. Airplanes, spacecraft, automobiles, and super computers have become a part of human society. If the world decides to put emphasis on rationality and progress the future could be a better place. There is a possibility that such advancement to civilization could be lost to warfare, civil unrest, or severe climate change. History has demonstrated that not only ideas, but technology has changed society to an enormous degree. The turning points were the rise of philosophy, which evolved into modern science, and from there applied science. The industrial revolution, modern medicine, mathematical theory, physics, biology, and chemistry allowed for the modern marvels of the contemporary era. This vast knowledge  could easily be lost, which has occurred during periods of instability.    If this can be avoided, then civilization will reach a technological apex. The rise of the technological apex will be the most significant development in human history. World civilizations at that stage will be able to control the environment, resources, and even the very nature of life itself.
   Transportation has become more prevalent. Air planes, automobiles, trains, and space craft move humankind everywhere. The last and final step in the revolution of transport will be space travel. So far humankind has been able to the reach the Moon. The year 1969 was the time in which humanity went into space. The next destination, with enough effort will be Mars. There are technical challenges. Traveling beyond our Solar System could be extremely perilous. Radiation levels and lack of  gravitation on a spacecraft could effect the body. Long term health effects are still unknown. This must be understood if humanity is to travel long distances in space. Besides merely traveling, there should be plans for possible terraforming. The Moon and Mars could provide a great testing area for such experiments. Astronomers have discovered that there are Earth like exoplanets beyond our Solar System. If spacecraft becomes more advanced, these areas could be colonized. The long distance traveling space craft would have to be efficient in fuel and durable in structure. Traveling to areas that are thousands of light-years away would take many lifetimes. The possible method for fast travel would be to either manipulate traversable  wormholes or produce a ship with high speeds. Until these astrophysical barriers are  circumvented, astronomers have to depend on satellites and powerful telescopes. While space travel is still in a prototypical phase, the automobile industry will undergo a revolution.

Cars reliant on oil and gasoline will become obsolete. Electric cars and other means of fuel requirements will replace it. The only problem is that the automobile industry does not want to invest in it. Fossil fuels are a finite resource, so it is only logical that change will happen. This leads to other possibilities. Hover cars may be made available. They may not reach high altitudes, but enough to not require wheels. Hover boards could be made, yet there are some technical obstacles. Electric cars will be the cars of the future and be more efficient compared to fossil fuel vehicles. This type of car may be easier to maintain and have more durability. The fear is that consumers would stop buying more cars, if they lasted longer. Such a claim is not true, because a car to some people is a status symbol. Consumerism will never end and the public's appetite for new technology is always growing. Self driving cars are in the early stages of development. It will not be unusual to see drivers having their own cars drive without their hands on the wheel. The computer systems of such cars would have to be ensured that it cannot be hacked. To an extent this does pose a safety and security risk. As long as the drive has the ability to gain steering and brake control when they see fit, it should be fine for consumers. 

There will at some point be more high speed rail for land transport. The locomotive will not become obsolete. Instead more trains will be maglev rather than metal rails. There are only a few maglev trains that are active in some countries of the world. They will eventually become the standard. Japan and South Korea seem to be more open to the technology, while countries like Germany, Canada, and the UK have had them at various periods. The United States if it wants to reach a technological apex must invest in this technology. Trains that are maglev move more smoothly and this could reduce the risk of accidents. Subway systems could be constructed to meet the technological needs of such trains. Ultimately, this will reduce costs in terms of maintenance of transport systems. Maglev trains will be faster and more efficient than the traditional wheel and rail trains of the past. This will also impact commerce making shipping less of a burden. 

Aircraft will also undergo a revolution in design and capability. Fighter jets are becoming more sophisticated in terms of speed and mobility. The development should not focus solely on military purposes, but on commercial transport. The majority of research aviation technology is directed to that purpose, yet there should be more emphasis on safer  and fuel efficient planes. There are many engineers who are designing planes that appear like something out of science fiction. Humanity has conquered the sky and land in a short period of time. The march of technological advancement started with the development of simple machines, the tools of the Paleolithic and Neolithic era, and the creativity of the human mind. Yet, one should not jump to rapid conclusions or predictions about the future. While futurology is an exciting field, it tends to predict events that are either outrageous or exaggerated. The technological apex is not a prediction, rather a teleological narrative about where this technology might lead humanity. Relative to transportation, people will be more mobile than ever before. Migration is nothing new to humanity. Our australopithecine ancestors traveled by foot from Africa later to spread across the world. There has been a desire to move and settle. Humanity has mastered the skies and land, but the sea floor still seems like unexplored territory. There are many species of marine life that could be unknown. Submarines and submersible craft can only go so far due to the intense ocean pressure. Mastering full transport of land, air, sea, and the final frontier of space will take human civilization to another level. 
      Biomedical science has progress to a rapid degree. Organ transplants, safe surgery, and the understanding of health science. These advancement will eventually lead to life extension. This has happened to a degree, with more people living into old age. Stem cell research will lead to an efficient method of producing new organs without a donor. Genetic engineering will become more prevalent. Genetically modified organisms are already present in society. Plants and various sustenance are considered  genetically modified organisms. There remains a fear that with the power of genetic engineering a transhumanist future will take over. This is not about enhancing humanity with unnecessary modifications, but conquering disease. Genetically inherited diseases could be eliminated through genetic engineering. This could also lead to possible cures or better treatments for neurodegenerative diseases. Dementia and Alzheimer's disease can be cured through advances in cytology. If medicine progresses so far humankind may find the key to life. There holds the possibility that death can be transcended. If the physical and mental decline of senescence could be reversed life may not end. The problem is that this could cause social and political issues. Achieving immortality or eternal youth seems more like stories of legend and myth. From a point of biological evolution, physiology, and health science immortality would be impossible for humanity to achieve.Age and death are a part of the biological life cycle. Disease may not be completely subdued, however it can be reduced. Antibiotic resistant bacteria has increased in number causing major health concerns. Mental illness from a neuroanatomical   perspective is still a mystery. Brain scans such as computer axial tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and positron emission tomography have discovered an immense about of information about the human brain. This exploration into the human brain and mind is a significant development. Understanding the most complex organic computer will finally answer the question what it means to be human. This has been a question of philosophy and religion; only recently has this question been answered in a scientific context. 

The more that is learned about human evolution, the more humankind understands itself. Advances in genetics can help us understand the past. Medicine will be better with few side effects and tailored better to a person's health condition. If new technologies are used responsibly they can improve the human condition. 
     The subatomic world also is a realm that needs further exploration. It is only a matter of time before the nature of various particles are fully comprehended. As a result the way societies consume energy will change. Solar and wind power are going to be a new part of energy production. However, fusion reactors will replace fission reactors. This means nuclear power could be made safer and meltdowns will no longer be a threat. A combination of  both wind and solar power including fusion reactors with meet the energy needs of a rapidly growing global population. Fossil fuel dependency no longer will hold back nations. Although the fusion rector is in a phase of development Germany and the UK have been doing research into such power generation. Besides mere power generation the discovery of the nature of matter sparks more wonder and curiosity. The higgs boson explains why matter has mass, but that is only a part of a much larger puzzle. Particle accelerators allow physicists to confirm various particles, even without mathematics to indirectly prove their existence. Theoretical physics will no longer just be hypothetical in nature; it will be fully experimental. The standard model could see expansion. There is a diminutive world of quarks, muons, leptons, taus, and neutrinos. Understanding such a small world allows for  the advancement of nanotechnology. 

   Machines that are nanometers in size could have various applications. The possibilities could range from surgery, construction, or manufacturing. This is more efficient than drilling for oil or mining coal. These fuel sources are finite and are near depletion. The political and international consequences of this could be devastating, unless action is taken. Investment in new forms of energy and the development of new technologies is the only rational solution. Harnessing the power of the sun could sustain human populations. The wind and solar cycle can be used to the world's advantage. For now the type 2 G star sustains the Earth. These technologies at some point could become prevalent. There still remains a level skepticism about their effectiveness and the business interests devoted to fossil fuel.
     Computers and information technology has come to dominate daily life. Video games, virtual reality, and the internet have created an entire industry of electronic entertainment. Another element to the rise of cyberspace is how it has changed culture. Communication has become more rapid and the average person has more exposure to knowledge. Mass amounts of information can be transferred to people in seconds. Computers went from being the size of an entire room, to the size of a phone. Computer power has increased rapidly, but the evolution will not stop. The next impressive milestone in computing will be the rise of the quantum computer. Currently the quantum computer is in its development stage. They are not like electronic computers that are reliant on transistors. Companies such as Google are already making such machines. This new type of computing manipulates quantum mechanical phenomena, which will perform operations in regards to data. This functions on measurements of qubits. Commercialization will follow and the public may have even faster and more powerful  computers. Mathematics as will gain from this in terms of theoretical research. Calculations of complex theorems or problems will be simple for a computer of this power. If computers are increasing their power, then artificial intelligence may follow. Robotics are a part of industry, yet they do not have the ability to learn. Learning, memory, and problem solving are attributes of intelligence. 

There could be in the future androids that are human like with intelligence . They could even have self awareness and sentience. What may seem like a fantasy, becomes more real as technology advances. The economic and political impacts could have some negative repercussions. The labor of robots could replace the work of man. There could be the possibility of revolt among the conscious robots against their creators. Automation poses problems for the workforce, but not the financial elite. These issues would have to be addressed before such technology is introduced. Regulation and certain laws would have to be enforced to ensure no abused would occur. While technology does improve life to an extent, the prospect of abuse becomes higher. 
      The technological apex is not a prediction of the future. It cannot be said the the future will look Bladerunner  or Startrek . These fictional representations show what the creators think the future might be like. However, invention would not be possible without imagination or creativity. Too often it is forgotten that ideas for technology had to thought of through a long process. Early versions of machines and their prototypes either were failures and required multiple attempts. Sometimes discoveries are pure accidents. The technological apex describes how far human civilization can go in terms of  the manipulation of technology and scientific discovery. Once it is reached, there may be nothing left to create. Human civilization may not even reach this level of development for a number of reasons. While there is advancement in science, the world is backward in many regards. Warfare, racism, and religious fundamentalism are a demonstration of  this backwardness.Before any of this level of technological advancement can be reached ideological and philosophical convictions must be changed. The new wave of anti-science sentiment must also be challenged. Ignoring facts such as climate change, human evolution, or environmental science can no longer be acceptable. The public and the wider society must learn to distinguish fact from fiction and most importantly be critical thinkers. A society that is too dogmatic and closed minded will never reach higher levels. The public has a suspicion about science that stems from either fear or lack of understanding. Technology generates this same emotion. Technology is a tool that can either be used for positive or nefarious purposes. It is a choice that people make and the societies in which they live make. The only way the technological apex can be reached is if humanity uses it to improve the human condition. Technology has become ubiquitous in world civilization and it will continue to spread. If humankind can survive it will reach a point of vast knowledge and power.