Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Isaac Asimov Explains The Three Laws of Robotics

 Isaac Asimov was a biochemist and science fiction writer who developed the idea of the three laws of robotics. This came from on of his short stories "Runaround." The first law is that a robot cannot harm a person. That means either by physical violence or inaction. The second law states that robots should obey the orders of humans. The only exception is if this could violate the first law. The third law requires a robot to protect its own existence. The third law should not violate the second law. Although these laws were created in science fiction, the can be applied to future developments in artificial intelligence. The fear is that technology masters so much learning and intelligence it could be a threat to human existence. Robots may be too simple currently to understand human language for commands. However, robotics are are being used in surgery and manufacturing. The advancement of computing power will at some point enable the creation of an artificially intelligent robot. Designing a program for the software it will use would need to be governed by Asimov's  three laws of robotics.  

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